onsdag 18. mai 2011

Valgt som sekretær for og norsk representant i Nordisk forening i semiotikk

[Sakset fra min engelskspråklige blogg Utopian Realism]

Elected as secretary of NASS

NASS, the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, held its general assembly during its seventh conference, which took place in Lund, Sweden, May 6-8. The general assembly took place Saturday May 7th. Göran Sonesson stepped back as president and is now treasurer, whereas Luis Emilio Bruni of Denmark is our new president. I was elected as secretary of NASS, plus ordinary national representative of Norway (Torill Strand was elected as suppletant in this role).

These roles will likely remain for two years, until the next conference of NASS is arranged (in either Denmark or Estonia).

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