søndag 8. desember 2013

Podcast fra intervju/debatt på Radio Nova om petroleumsforskning

Sakset fra min engelskspråklige blogg Utopian Realism:

Wednesday this week, following my chronicle in the Norwegian daily Aftenposten, "Hva slags forskning er etisk forsvarlig?" [What kind(s) of research is ethically justifiable?], I was interviewed by Radio Nova, Oslo's student radio. More specifically, I discussed the student organisation's (Studentparlamentets) views on petroleum research conducted by the University of Oslo with Gabrielle Legrand Gjerdset, the head of UiO's student organisation. The interview and/or debate featured in the program "Emneknaggen", a debate program hosted by Adrian Nyhammer Olsen.

Podcasts are available here - including the segment I was involved in: "Studentparlamentet i Oslo får kritikk fra høyere hold grunnet uambisøs holdning til petroleumsforskning" [The student parliament in Oslo is criticised /from someone highly positioned/ for unambitious attitude to petroleum research].

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