onsdag 30. september 2009

Om Nationens valgkampdekning av rovdyrforvaltningen

Under følger en kort notis om Nationens valgkampdekning av rovdyrdebatten, hentet fra min rapportering i sammenheng med et internasjonalt forskningsprosjekt jeg deltar i. Mye mer kunne jeg sagt. Mye mer kommer jeg også til å si.

PS. Venstre kan også nevnes som et parti som er pådrivere for at det skal være ulv og andre rovdyr i Norge.
The Norwegian daily Nationen [The nation], Mon 31st of August – Wed 9th of September. The latest national election in Norway took place September 14th. For 10 days close to the conclusion of the election, I followed Nationen, Norway’s only national daily devoted to matters of agriculture and rural policies. Every day in this period there were articles etc. about carnivore policy; about half of the editions one of them featured on the front page. In many rural areas, wolf and carnivore policy turned out to become one of the defining topics of the electoral campaign, though only 3 parties (Senterpartiet, Fremskrittspartiet and Sosialistisk Venstreparti) talked much about it. For the first time the populist right-wing party Fremskrittspartiet competed seriously for the anti-wolf votes – though Senterpartiet, traditionally the farmers’ party, still dominated the discourse. The carnivore policy for 2009-2013 is now up for negotiations within the re-elected coalition government, which consists of Arbeiderpartiet (the social democrats), Senterpartiet and Sosialistisk Venstreparti (a left-wing party which supports wolf conservation).

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