mandag 27. desember 2010

Norge sett fra USA - og Afrika

Mine kommentarer til innlegget ´Norge seen from USA´ (et innlegg fra 2007, hvor Norges BNP sammenstilles med Minnesotas, og andre lands BNP med BNPet til andre amerikanske stater) i Carl Stoermers blogg, innlogget som SporFilosofen (Twitter-profil):
#$ Would also like to see a map of Africa carried out in the same fashion... That, too, would give you an idea of Norway´s might. $#

In nominal terms, Norway - OR Minnesota, for that matter - would cover a third of the continent or so.

Posted by: SporFilosofen | Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 07:44 PM

I as well would like to have a look at the actual numbers. Were GDP calculated by PPP, for instance?

Would also like to see a map of Africa carried out in the same fashion... That, too, would give you an idea of Norway´s might.

And where the #### is Alaska?

Posted by: SporFilosofen | Sunday, December 26, 2010 at 07:40 PM

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